Four family members had a lucky escape after crashing into another car - but they did end up being smothered in almost 25 litres of white emulsion paint.
The two adults and two children were driving through KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa with a giant 25litre tub of paint in the back when the smash happened, sending the emulsion everywhere.
It is believed that the tub, which had been placed on the back seat, was catapulted forward during the crash, covering the inside of the car and its occupants.
Despite the smash, the two adults and two children were able to clamber out of their newly-repainted car, looking at each other in shock.
As they stood by the side of the road, several pedestrians and drivers stopped to stare at the family, causing a large traffic jam build up behind them. Some passers-by offered to help out - although unless they happened to have a handy 25litre tub of white spirit with them, there probably wasn’t much they could do.
The family and the driver of the other car - which, fortunately, was already painted white - were not hurt. However, it is thought that their blue Fiat car, which had its bonnet crumpled by the crash, is likely to be a white off.
The family were said to be overcome with emulsion.